+91-79-40031887 / +91-79-40398695

Building Information Modeling is a renowned BIM consultant firm, specializes in designing plumbing BIM models. Our 3D Plumbing Model gives insight to efficiently plan, manage, design and construct the building. Our team of experts are experienced and have a proven track record of delivering high-quality plumbing layout plans. We design customised plumbing piping drawings for various types of building including residential, commercial buildings, schools, universities, shopping malls, hotels, airports, hospitals and industries.

In our Plumbing Layout Model, we give detailed information about the size, shape and specification of plumbing elements including pipes, valves, tanks, water filters, water heaters, UV sterilization. Our engineers and BIM designers carefully examine all the plumbing elements to detect and solve the clashes before the installation. Our BIM Clash Detection model for plumbing system saves your time, material and money.

Our BIM Services Include :

  • Building Information Modeling Services
  • BIM Coordination Drawings
  • Architecture BIM Services
  • Structural BIM Services
  • HVAC BIM Services
  • Plumbing BIM Services
  • Electrical BIM Services
  • BIM 3D modeling Services
  • BIM 4D Modeling Services
  • BIM 5D Modeling Services
  • BIM Prefabrication and Fabrication
  • BIM Clash Detection Services
  • BIM Point Cloud Services
  • BIM Construction Detailing
  • BIM Construction Cost Estimator
  • MEP BIM Services

In our Plumbing BIM Services and plumbing system designs, we add details from LOD 100 to LOD 500, to assist MEP contractors to make informed decisions. We offer 3D, 4D and 5D BIM services as per the requirement of the clients. BIM services give the complete report of the construction cost, logistics and scheduling. Our Plumbing Piping Engineering Service improves the coordination among the various disciplines including architecture, mechanical and structural.

Our Methods :

  • Preparation of installation drawing
  • Preparation of spool drawing
  • Plumbing and drainage drafting
  • Sleeve, inserts, hanger drawings
  • Domestic cold and hot water system layouts
  • Floor plan designing
  • Plumbing shop drawings
  • Compressed air gas system plan drawings
  • Water supply and distribution plan drafting services
  • Detecting and solving clashes
  • Sewage system design
  • Rainwater and surface water drainage drawings

Building Information Modeling has always provided the services for the benefit of customers that helps to create some awesome and streamlined plumbing solution. Our advantages are numerous that naturally attract the customers but we are not really limited to attraction only. The real work does take place in Building Information Modeling with a goal of achievement and contentment on the part of customers.

Why Us :

  • BIM Designing according to specifications outlined by clients
  • Flexible approach
  • A cheaper option in estimation/quotation
  • Clash-free and streamlined installation of MEP systems
  • Global reach
  • Usage of leading BIM tools
  • Our tools help to increase productivity by minimizing the errors
  • Modern workflow
  • Level of detailing is as per the international codes
  • Constructability review

We have 1000+ satisfied clients from all over the world. If you are looking for BIM Consulting Services then don’t hesitate to talk to our experts and get a solution for your queries. Building Information Modeling would be glad to have you! Request Free Quote Now

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